Jagannadhapuram, West Godavari

Jagannadhapurem is the biggest village in Tadepalligudem Mandal, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is 11 km from the town. Its name is A. jagannadhapurem which stands for Anaedula Jagannadhapurem. It is most populated village of the mandal. The village is full of greenery because of redundant water

There is one Darga situated in this village named Hajarat Kale Mastan Darga, which is very famous for Hindu-Muslim unity. It is built by a Hindu lady named Maddukuri Venkayamma during 1916 which is almost a century past. All the villagers and the people all over the district and nearby districts visits here frequently. This Darga, though a Muslim Darga, it is worshipped by all the people,irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Every year, URS happens here which is very famous here. In 2010 it is going to held on June 27,28 and 29. This Dargs is guarded by A. Ch. Nagamani and her son A. Rajeev Chowdary.

On June 27,28 and 29 of June Hazarat Kalemastan Shavaliya's 93rd URUSU is going to be happened. It is celebrated very grandly and people from all over district and nearby comes here. It is very famous here. It is said that the place of the Darga is the choice of the Mastan Baba, who came into the dream of Venkayamma and said it. This celebration is given high importance in local media as well.

Every year this URUSU is celebrated. During this celebration, the present trustee of the Darga A. Nagamani and A. Rajeev Chowdary carries Sandal bowl over there head and travels all over the village along with a horse. It is believed that Lord Mastan Baba gets into the horse and blesses the people.

People who comes here strongly believe that all their wills and wishes come true. Especially people who are in need of children,students etc. come here in more number.

This temple is guarded by the successors of Venkayamma,the temple founder. In this way now it is the turn of A. Nagamani and her son A. Rajeev Chowdary.

This temple is mainly known for Hindu - Muslim unity. These type of temples must be focussed with high preference which stands as a landmark for the Hindu Muslim unity. Here we can find the beauty of people gathering together forgetting their caste, creed etc., and unitedly praise the Lord Mastan Baba.